Homecare SRP

Scaling and root planning aftercare

Now that you’ve had scaling and root planning therapy, it’s important to follow these recommendations to speed healing

Don’t eat until the numbness has completely worn off.

For the first 48 to 72 hours, restrict your diet to soft foods such as yogurt, scrambled eggs and soup, until you can comfortably chew.  Then chew on the side of your mouth opposite to the procedure site.

Avoid alcohol drinks and spicy foods until your gums are healed.

Don’t use any tobacco products for at least 72 hours because tobacco slows healing.

If we used anesthetic, take pain medication before the anesthetic has worn off to control any discomfort or as recommended.  It’s normal to experience some discomfort for several days after scaling and root planning

Avoid using any tobacco products

Avoid alcohol

Avoid using any tobacco products

Use an icepack

Avoid using any tobacco products

Some discomfort is normal

For the first 6 hours after the procedure, apply an ice pack, 20 minutes on and 20 m minutes off, to decrease pain and swelling.

After 24 hours, reduce discomfort and swelling by rinsing your mouth very gently 3 times a day with warm salt water.  Use about 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water.

Brush the treated area very lightly the first night.  To make this more comfortable, first rinse your brush under hot water to soften the bristles.

The next day, begin flossing lightly and gradually return to normal homecare over the next week.  It’s normal to have some slight bleeding when your brush and floss the treated areas for the next few days.  Brush and floss the non-treated areas of your mouth normally.  Use a desensitizing toothpaste if your teeth are sensitive to hot, cold, or pressure.

If we prescribed a medicated mouth rinse, use it as directed.  Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol.

Call us if discomfort is not diminishing day by day, or swelling increases or continues beyond 3 or 4 days.  And please, call us any time if you have questions or concerns.

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23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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