
Carefully carved Silver fillings are a durable and affordable way to restore teeth that have been damaged by cavities.

We want the entire procedure to be comfortable for you, so the first thing we do is make sure the tooth and surrounding area are thoroughly numb. Depending on the size of the filling and which tooth we’re working on, we may also use a rubber dam. A rubber dam is a small, flexible rubber sheet that isolates teeth we’re working on and prevents anything from falling to the back of your throat.

We use the handpiece to remove the decay and shape the tooth. We may line deeper fillings with medication to make them less sensitive to hot and cold. So that we can mold the filling to the shape of the tooth, we first surround the tooth with a thin, flexible band. A small wooden wedge between the teeth holds the band snugly in place. We press the filling material into the tooth and then carve it into the proper shape.

To check your bite, we ask you to bite down on colored tape that shows us where your teeth are touching. Finally, we make sure that you’ll be able to floss around the filling to keep your restored tooth healthy.restorations

Our Location

23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

What Our Patients Say

To Provide Comprehensive Quality Care

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