Digital X-Ray

Until recently, our only option when taking a dental X-ray was the exposure of a small film packet, which then took between five and ten minutes to develop. Now, the digital era has brought us an exciting new technology called digital radiography.

* We can enhance images in a variety of ways to improve viewing.

* We avoid the chemicals used in the traditional developing process.

With digital radiography, we use a small sensor connected directly to a computer instead of a film packet. Taking X-rays is faster because the sensor is merely moved from tooth to tooth; we don’t need to reload a film positioner for each image. It’s also faster because the X-rays are available immediately on the computer monitor, with no development step in between. Because the digital X-ray exposure is shorter than taking conventional X-rays, the amount of X-ray radiation is reduced by up to 90 percent.

Digital X-rays allow us to see details and make adjustments that are a tremendous help in our diagnosis. We can also save images in our computer system for instant retrieval at a later date.

Digital radiography is an advanced technology that speeds treatment and helps us make the most accurate and efficient diagnosis of your dental condition.

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23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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