Air Abrasion

newtechnologiesUntil recently, using the traditional dental handpiece was the only way we had to remove decay from your teeth. But now, we have a new option called air abrasion that allows us to remove decay on teeth without even touching them!

What is air abrasion? Air abrasion is a process in which a special handpiece removes decay by propelling a stream of clean dry air mixed with tiny abrasive particles onto the surface of the tooth. It is most effectively used for removal of small discolorations and stains, and repair or replacement of small fillings. It can be used to expose hidden cavities, which we can then remove and restore with a filling material.

Air abrasion is a wonderful new technology that allows us to remove the smallest possible amount of tooth structure, and enables us to place strong, natural looking restorations in only a short amount of time.

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23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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