Upper Jaw Procedure

Restoring your upper jaw with dental implants is accomplished in two phases. The first phase of the procedure is the surgical placement of the implants. They’re under the gums for several months while the bone attaches to them. After healing, the second phase begins. The implants are re-exposed and your new teeth are made.

For the surgical placement of the implants, your mouth will be thoroughly numbed. Incisions are made in your gums and channels are made in the bone to receive the implants. After the implants are snugly in place, the gums are closed over each implant with a stitch or two. Over the course of the next few months, the implants become securely attached to the bone.

The second phase starts with surgical re-exposure of the implants. Incisions are again made in your gums, and small extensions are placed to bring them above the gum line. We then start a series of appointments to make your new teeth. Though some of the steps might be different in your case, they usually include making impressions of your mouth. From these impressions, we make precise working models of your mouth, which are carefully mounted for proper alignment. It’s on these models that your new teeth are fabricated. The last step is the placement of the teeth.

The success of your implants then depends on your care of the implants at home and our support through regular checkups and cleanings here in our office.

Our Location

23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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