Lower Jaw

implantsIf you have a lower denture, you probably know how hard it can be to eat comfortably. When lower teeth are lost, the bone in the jaw continually recedes. Over time, this causes a lower denture to become loose and floppy. Even worse, there are nerves in the lower jaw that can end up on the surface of the bone. When you bite down, it hurts!

Implants in lower jaw Fortunately, it’s usually possible to place implants into the lower jaw so that you can avoid problems associated with dentures. Dental implants are small titanium cylinders that are surgically inserted into the bone of the jaw to replace the roots of missing teeth.

One way to use implants in the lower jaw is to connect the implants with a bar, and then put clips into a new lower denture. These clips snap onto the bar and keep the denture from rocking and shifting. The denture can still be removed at home for easy access and cleaning of the implants and bar. Another option is a lower bridge that may be cemented in or held in place by screws.

Using dental implants to support either a lower denture or bridge will keep the pressure off the bone and the nerves. The implants also help stop the bone loss in the jaw that continues once teeth have been removed. Securing restorations with dental implants can make a world of difference, allowing you to eat, talk, laugh, and smile with confidence again.

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