Immediate Placement

implantsIn the past, one of the disadvantages to replacing a missing tooth with an implant was the long waiting period, which lasted for many months. First, we had to wait for the bone to heal where the tooth was removed, and then we had to wait for the implants to securely attach to the bone. Only then, after several months, could we place a temporary or permanent crown.

During the first appointment, we make sure your mouth is thoroughly numb, and then we remove the tooth. We then make a channel in the base of the extraction site or reshape the extraction site to receive the implant. An extension is attached to the implant, and we then fabricate a temporary crown, which is cemented in place over the implant. Finally, we carefully adjust the temporary crown to make sure your bite is comfortable. You should maintain a soft diet and avoid chewing on the temporary crown during the next several months, while the implant becomes securely attached to the bone.

The next phase begins with the removal of the temporary crown, followed by a series of appointments to make your new, permanent crown. Though the process varies from patient to patient, in most cases we will make an impression of your mouth. From these impressions, we make precise working models of your mouth, which are carefully mounted for proper alignment. It’s on these models that your permanent crown is fabricated.

The last step is the placement of your new crown. The success of your implant then depends on your care of the implant at home, and our support through regular checkups and cleanings here in our office.

Our Location

23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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To Provide Comprehensive Quality Care

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