Precision Partial

denturesA partial denture replaces missing teeth and restores a person’s bite. Traditional partial dentures use clasps to hold them in place. Though these clasps do a fair job of holding the partial in place, they can affect a person’s smile. Now, with new special crowns and matching special attachments built into the partial framework, we can eliminate the clasps and make a much tighter fitting partial denture. Precision partial dentures help create a new, natural look.

The process of making a precision partial denture involves several appointments spread over several weeks. After a thorough exam and appropriate treatment to eliminate decay or periodontal disease, we prepare the adjacent teeth for crowns.

Then we take impressions of your teeth, and from these impressions, precise working models of your mouth are made. The crowns and attachments are constructed on these models in a dental laboratory. In the next appointment, we try in the crowns, adjust them if necessary, and create additional impressions for the construction of the precision partial denture.

During the final appointment, we try in the precision partial and make any necessary adjustments. Once everything looks good, we’ll cement the crowns and place your new precision partial denture.

* The precise fit is healthier for your gums and teeth.

* Your smile remains free of unsightly metal clasps.

It will take some time to adjust to the feel of your new precision partial. At first, eating may seem difficult and you may have trouble speaking normally. After a few weeks, you’ll make the adjustment and be speaking, eating, and smiling with confidence!

Our Location

23 N Federal Ave, Mason City, IA

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To Provide Comprehensive Quality Care

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