Partial Dentures Alternatives

denturesA dental implant being inserted If you still have your teeth and you’re not in a lot of pain, you might decide to leave your teeth as they are, at least for now. But if you have infected teeth and gums, delaying treatment can be a risky alternative. Infected teeth and gums never heal on their own. They’ll just keep getting worse. Infections of the teeth and gums can lead to further tooth loss and can drag down your body’s immune system, affecting your entire body.

In some cases, bridges are an alternative to partial dentures. A dental bridge is attached to the teeth next to the space, and those teeth hold the bridge in place and provide support.

Sometimes, when we don’t have enough teeth to place a bridge or when we don’t want to reduce adjacent teeth, we can solve the problem by placing an implant. A dental implant is a small titanium cylinder that’s surgically inserted into the bone of the jaw to replace the root of a missing tooth. Then a crown, bridge, or denture can be attached to the implant.

Removing the rest of your teeth and making a full denture might also be an alternative.

Sometimes when you’re missing teeth, a partial denture is simply the best alternative to fill in spaces and keep you chewing effectively. There are several kinds of partial dentures, and we can work with you to choose the right one for your situation.

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