Posterior Gold

crownsWe want the entire procedure to be comfortable for you, so the first thing we do is make sure your mouth is thoroughly numb. We then use the handpiece to shape the tooth and remove any decay.

To create models of your teeth on which the dental laboratory will fabricate your crown, we must first take impressions of your mouth. Sometimes, to help us take a more accurate impression, we put a small piece of string in the space between the tooth and the gum. This allows us to gently push the gum away from the tooth. After the impressions are complete, we place a temporary crown, which you’ll wear for the several weeks that it takes the dental laboratory to fabricate your new crown.

It takes two or more appointments to restore a damaged tooth with a gold crown. That’s because a crown is fabricated in a dental laboratory to precisely fit your tooth.

During your next visit, we remove the temporary crown and place your new crown. We check the fit and your bite. When everything looks good, we cement it in place and you’ll have a new gold crown.